Mac Magazin/MacEasy 25
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 25.iso
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Text File
77 lines
PPP plan toggle v 0.5
Copyright ©1996 Joseph Santaniello. All Rights Reserved.
Who it's for:
This AppleScript is for PPP users with non-static IP addresses, i.e. dial-up modem users,
who would like a means of publicizing their current IP address while logged-on so they
can be contacted with Maven, PGPFone, Talk, or whatever, with minimal hassle.
What it does:
This AppleScript toggles the connection status of your PPP link. When it opens a connection
it ftp's a ".plan" text file of your choice to your defualt directory substituting your current IP
address and the current time for certain special characters it finds in the text file. When it
closes a connection it first ftp's another ".plan" text file, again substituting IP address and
current time for certain special characters. This way people can "finger" your account
to get you current log-on status. See below for more on configuration and sample "plan's."
What it requires:
It does not work properly with OpenTransport. AppleScript v1.0 or later, Drag and Drop,
Scriptable finder, InternetConfig, and the following Scripting Additions are required:
MacPPP Control OSAX found in UMich mirrors such as:
TCP/IP Scripting Additions OSAX found in UMich mirrors such as: ftp://mac.uio.no//umich/util/script/tcpipscriptingadd1.12.cpt.hqx
Jon's Commands OSAX found in Info-Mac mirrors such as:
ICScriptor OSAX found in Info-Mac mirrors such as:
InternetConfig may be found in Info-Mac mirrors such as:
Be certain it is properly set up before trying the script.
(if you were really cool you would have the ICeTEe Extension which comes with IC installed)
How to set it up:
First make two text files named whatever you wish. The Script automatically names either
file ".plan" when it up-loads it. "openingPlan" & "closingPlan" are logical choices.
These files can be as long as you wish. The Script will substitute the current IP address
everywhere it finds the string "%ip%" and the current time/date everywhere it finds the
string "%clock%" (no quotes). A sample opening plan might be:
Joseph Santaniello +(47) 22 35 79 88
Trondheimsveien 14 +(47) 90 56 82 36
N-0560 Oslo cvoss@sn.no
Norway http://www.sn.no/~cvoss
I have been online since: %clock%.
My Mac is awaiting Talk requests at %ip%
A sample closing plan might be similar: "I logged-off at %clock%, sorry." blah, blah, blah.
The first time you run the script you will be prompted to locate your two plan files. The
Script will remember their locations for subsequent uses. If the files cannot be found by
the script later, you will be prompted again. Next a PPP link will be established and
your opening plan will be up-loaded. Run the Script again and it will up-load your
closing plan file then hard close to PPP link. That's it.
This usually adds about 8 seconds to my usual connect times.
Now what?
This Script is free. You are required to send me e-mail with comments, however.
This Script may be included in CD-ROM collections if this documentation is included,
and if possible I am given a copy. This Script is warranted to do nothing. If it doesn't
do nothing you can have your money back. Or maybe I can have your money back...?
Joseph Santaniello <cvoss@sn.no> http://www.sn.no/~cvoss/